Home - The Human Side of Lake Saint-Pierre
Virtual Museum of Canada

The Archipelago

Boat tours

The Croisière des îles de Sorel allows visitors to tour the islands around Sorel in comfort aboard the 'Le Survenant III', which can carry up to 188 passengers. This 1.5 hour cruise is therefore ideal for groups of more than 20 people.

The 'Le Survenant III' cruise boat sails along a channel.

For more information (in French only): Croisières des îles de Sorel

A guide presents key aspects of life in the archipelago and points out features of the landscape and wildlife that inspired famous novelist Germaine Guèvremont.

Silver maples and willows grow along the banks of a channel.

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As they travel through the channels, passengers can see wide meadows swaying in the wind, interspersed with clumps of maple trees growing along the river banks. Willows lean heavily over the water, as if admiring themselves in a mirror.

Large willow leaning out over a channel

The Biophare, a museum dedicated to the Lake Saint-Pierre biosphere reserve, operates a nature cruise called La Randonnée nature. A small boat carries up to 12 passengers on a three-hour guided tour of the labyrinth of channels to the north and south of the St. Lawrence Seaway. The tour focuses on the region's natural and human heritage.

The captain of theRandonnée nature speaks to passengers during a tour of the archipelago.

For more information (in French only): Randonnée nature

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This boat gently glides through even the smallest channels, where visitors will be completely surrounded by lush wetland vegetation.

The prow of the Randonnée nature boat, pointing towards the end of a narrow channel.

Except for the cabins built along the shores of a few islands and the cultivated areas on a few others, unspoiled nature reigns over the archipelago. Visitors will be amazed at the vast expanses of wet meadows, marshes and swamps. With their calm beauty, these fascinating wetlands can feel like a whole new world.

Large silver maples grow along the banks of a channel.

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